The mix up

June 20, 2014

So it appears that I accidentally clicked the wrong blog to update in my last post. It should have been posted to my personal blog instead. Going forward, any further posts will remain beauty related. 


June 4, 2014

Dear neglected blog,

Hi. I am sorry that I’ve been too busy to write in the past year. I can’t promise that I’ll change that. Life just happens and I don’t feel like blogging is a priority. Here’s what’s been going on:

  • My dear little Nana was diagnosed with dementia and her condition quickly escalated to stage 7 within less than a year. She is like my mother, so all of the changes were very quick and emotionally traumatic.  I’m currently dealing ok and I was a hot mess for a little while.
  • My great- uncle was diagnosed with cancer, which spread pretty quickly. He fought with all his might until last month.
  • I was dating a player who was not that bright. Ultimately, social media was his tattle tale. Gtfo, mofo.
  • I had an ombre for nearly a year, and all of my friends were too polite to tell me it looked busted.
  • I changed job locations.
  • I’ve been dating quite a bit, though only one guy was gentleman- ly enough to make it to a second date. The third date was really bad.
  • I discovered that I have more in common with guys 24-28, than I do with 30+. Like me, they want to go out and socialize,  are more spontaneous,  and they have all, if not most, of their hair. Plus, all of the 30+ guys I’m in to want to date 22 year olds. So, there’s that.
  • I make myself go the gym. I hate going to the gym but it makes me feel good later.
  • For the most part, life is pretty good.